Role & Function of the Division(DER)

Till recently known as the Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives (DERPP), the name has now been changed to the Division of Educational Research (DER). Promotion of educational research and research based policy perspectives for qualitative improvement of school education are important concerns of the NCERT. The DER facilitates this role of NCERT.

Toward this end, the main functions of the Division include:
  • Funding research projects carried out by individual researchers affiliated to universities, institutions, and constituents of NCERT;
  • Developing and strengthening institutional research capacities;
  • Dissemination of information related to educational research in the field of school education; and
  • Providing channels of communication to reach out to the functionaries and beneficiaries related to educational research and receiving feedback on research findings and their impact on education system.

A standing committee of NCERT, called Educational Research and Innovations Committee (ERIC) acts as a catalyst to promote and support research in priority areas of school and teacher education. The ERIC members include eminent researchers in education and allied disciplines from universities and research institutions and representatives of SIEs and SCERTs. The DER acts as a Secretariat to ERIC and coordinates its activities of promoting educational research. Each proposal received for financial support under ERIC is examined for funding by a sub-committee of ERIC, called Screening-cum-Progress Monitoring Committee (SPMC). The financial support is provided based on the recommendations of the SPMC. The Sub-committee also examines annual progress of each project.

Programs of DER for 2017 (as approved by the Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) of NCERT).
  • Techno Pedogogic Analysis of selected Media Programs Produced by CIET
  • Research Writing Workshop for DIET and SCERT Faculty of North East Region
  • Research Methodology Workshop for NCERT Faculty
  • Online Course on Action Research in Education
  • Online Survey of Research in Education
  • NCERT Doctoral Fellowship
  • NCERT Research Associateship(Educationist's Researcher's Pool Scheme)
  • Pubication of Indian Educational Review
  • Organizing ERIC Activities: SPMC and General Body Meetings of ERIC, and release of Funds for approved ERIC projects

  Unpublished Research Abstract received from DIET/SCERTs

 NCERT Research Associate -English ||  Hindi ||   (Two Post) Apply Online (Date extended upto 24.01.2024)

NCERT DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS 2023 - ( English || Hindi ) ( Advertisement - English || Hindi )   Apply Online (Last date: 19.01.2024)

Introduction to the Course on Action Research in Education.

Publication Grant Scheme under ERIC

Online Survey of Research in Education

List of selected candidates for Online Course on Action Research in Education 2016-17 with their Selection ID.

ERIC-Guidelines for Submission of Research Proposal

Grade Sheet of Online Course on Action Research in Education

Eric Projects Reports and Ph.D.Thesis.

Suggest Priority areas of Research in Education at School level.